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身 shen

Home Pinyin shen

半身 bànshēn half body

本身 běnshēn itself

变身 biàn shēn transform

侧身 cèshēn sideways; sidling

车身 chēshēn body; bodywork; coachwork

抽身 chōushēn get out

出身 chūshēn born

单身 dānshēn single; singleton

独身 dúshēn celibacy; celibate; singleness; spinsterhood

翻身 fānshēn turn over

反身 fǎnshēn reflexiveness

分身 fēnshēn separate

奋不顾身 fènbùgùshēn frustrated

附身 fù shēn included

感同身受 gǎntóngshēnshòu empathy

化身 huàshēn embodiments; incarnation

浑身 húnshēn all over

机身 jīshēn body; fuselage

健身 jiànshēn body-building; fitness

健身房 jiànshēnfáng gym

紧身 jǐnshēn skintight; tight

卖身 màishēn selling

满身 mǎn shēn full body

起身 qǐshēn get up

强身 qiángshēn keep fit

亲身 qīnshēn personally

亲身体验 qīnshēn tǐyàn firsthand experience

全身 quánshēn systemically; whole body

热身 rèshēn warm up; warm-up

人身 rénshēn personal

上半身 shàngbànshēn upper body

上身 shàngshēn upper body

身边 shēnbiān beside

身不由己 shēn bù yóujǐ involuntarily

身材 shēncái figure; stature

身处 shēn chǔ in

身段 shēnduàn figure

身分 shēnfèn identity

身份 shēnfèn identities; identity

身份证 shēnfèn zhèng id card

身高 shēngāo height

身后 shēnhòu behind

身价 shēnjià value

身旁 shēn páng beside

身躯 shēnqū body; ponderously

身手 shēnshǒu skill

身体 shēntǐ bodily; body; physically

身亡 shēnwáng die

身心 shēnxīn body and mind

身形 shēn xíng body shape

身影 shēnyǐng figure

身着 shēnzhe dressed; garbed

身姿 shēn zī form

瘦身 shòushēn slimmed

搜身 sōushēn frisking

随身 suíshēn carry on

替身 tìshēn stand-in

贴身 tiēshēn close-fitting

投身 tóushēn plunge

纹身 wénshēn tattoo; tattooed; tattoos

下身 xiàshēn lower body

现身 xiàn shēn show up

献身 xiànshēn devotion

心身 xīnshēn psychosomatic

修身 xiūshēn slim fit

腰身 yāoshēn waist

一身 yīshēn one body

一身汗 yīshēn hàn sweat

隐身 yǐnshēn stealth

真身 zhēn shēn real body

置身 zhìshēn stay in the body

终身 zhōngshēn lifelong; tenured

周身 zhōushēn whole body

转身 zhuǎnshēn turn around; turnabout; turned

自身 zìshēn itself

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce